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Memories Revised Page 3
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Page 3
Struck at a loss, Talia wondered what to do. Would he leave just because her bed was inadequate? But then he grabbed the mattress and blankets and pulled them off the frame. Pushing it out of the way, he dumped the mattress onto the floor and folded the blankets around and across it to form a wide pallet.
He nodded at the result. “A new bed for you, my lady. It won’t be as comfortable, but I can do a proper job of loving on it.”
Talia could have laughed with relief but she didn’t get the chance. He grabbed her and dumped her, still clutching her towel, in the middle of the mattress. He slid onto the soft surface next to her, his hands reaching for her breasts again, unwrapping the towel to reveal them.
“So beautiful.” He stroked them and teased the nipples until they ached and Talia leaned into him.
“Show me how to please you,” she whispered.
“You do please me.”
“I want to touch you and make you feel as I do.”
His hands stilled. “Do you? Ah then.” He took her hand and guided it to his cock, again protruding from between his legs. “This is what I like to have touched.”
It felt—so strange. Soft to the touch, but with a core like iron. The head was nearly purple, engorged with blood, she supposed. As she stroked it what looked like a tear wept from the narrow slit at its end, slippery to the touch. Remak made a soft noise that sounded like satisfaction as she smoothed it over his rod.
“My cock likes it when you do that, lady.”
“I’m glad.”
He seemed to watch her carefully. “It would like it even more if you kissed it.”
Kissed it? That seemed an odd request, but then who was she to know what a man liked? She’d promised herself new adventures and if Remak wanted his cock kissed then she’d kiss it. Talia leaned over and kissed the side of the shaft, away from the weepy end. Remak looked amused, but he pushed her head back to his cock.
“It likes being licked too.”
Talia laughed but she bent her head and licked the top of his cock. Remak sighed and pushed her head down again. “Please…”
So, he wanted her mouth on his cock. It certainly seemed responsive in spite of having climaxed once already. Talia took hold of it with both hands—she needed both just to get a firm grip on it—and covered the end of it with her mouth. Remak groaned and, encouraged, she sucked on it, pulling the entire tip into her mouth. He tasted of soap from his bath and an unfamiliar taste that she knew came from the liquid oozing from the tip. It wasn’t unpleasant. A little salty and base, like the taste of rich earth. With time she might even grow to like his flavor.
She lifted her head to stare at him. “Is that the right thing to do?”
“Oh yes. Anything.”
The glazed look in his eyes told her better than his words that he was enjoying her ministrations so Talia returned to pleasuring him with her mouth, using her tongue to glide along that narrow, weeping crevasse at the top of his cock, using her teeth to catch the edges. She drew him deeper into her mouth and he groaned aloud. Emboldened, she ran her hand down his shaft to the soft sac at its base.
“Careful there,” he muttered, but she knew how to be careful when touching sensitive things. She gently fondled the round balls through the covering skin, like she might the newly hatched chick of one of her hens. In her mouth his cock twitched and pulsed and she knew he liked it.
He muttered incomprehensible things, but they seemed approving. Talia took him deeper into her mouth until she almost choked on his bulk. There was too much of him, so she used her hands as well, smoothing them over the shaft. Remak stiffened and gave a short cry but then grabbed her hands and stilled her movements.
“Too much too soon,” he said, breathing in gasps as if he ran a race. “I want time with you, woman, but you’ve a mouth made for this kind of fucking, that’s for certain.”
It sounded like a compliment and that’s how Talia decided to take it. Less and less Remak was treating her like “a lady” and more and more she liked what that meant. Clearly, in his world, ladies were not allowed to have the kind of fun she was having—which in her mind meant that being a lady was overrated, at least as far as the bedroom was concerned. No way she’d give up what she was doing right now to remain a lady.
Remak took her into his arms and his mind must have been running in the same direction. “I did not think of you this way, as a woman to bed, but I have to admit I like being with you.”
“You aren’t so ready to turn me over to your captain?” Talia couldn’t help tease him about what he’d suggested, about the gentleman Albinan taking his place.
His arms tightened around her. “Nay…you deserve better than me, but I’m the man to take you tonight. I’d not stand aside for anyone right now.”
And she’d not allow any other in her bed either. It was the two of them exploring Gillian’s gifts tonight, what pleasures could exist between a man and a woman. No more and no less was what she expected.
Remak seemed determined to make certain that no other man could compare as he took possession of her mouth again, pulling her closer to him. He caressed and stroked all parts of her, his large hands no longer as tentative as before. Whether he’d decided she wouldn’t break or he was no longer able to control his strength, Talia didn’t care. She loved the possessive grip he had on her, the way he pushed her onto her back to lie beneath him.
He crouched over her, all man and muscle, his face intense. His eyes seemed intent, as if he were memorizing her face and form. Storing it away as a memory. Perhaps a memory to content him during the long nights ahead when he was no longer with her.
There would be other women for him, she knew that. But he’d said before that she would not be easy to forget. For herself she knew he’d be impossible to not remember for all of this being a dream.
This was the kind of dream a woman didn’t forget.
A slow smile spread across his face. “You still looking for pleasure?”
“Anything you want to show me,” she said, meaning every word.
He stretched out next to her and his lips fastened onto one of her nipples, similar to what he’d done before, while his hand gently explored the narrow cleft between her legs. He teased her clit into even more awareness than before, his movements slow. Slow hands, slow mouth, sucking gently, rolling her nipple around with his tongue. Just when she was sure she wasn’t going to be able to handle more of this gentle torture, he turned her toward him and took her other breast into his mouth.
Lying at her side, he was able to pull her into him, and his hand slid around to rest on her backside, caressing the globes of her ass with tender care.
One finger slid down the narrow crevasse all the way to the front, teasing her clit again but then backing up and finding that untried opening into her core. He slipped a finger in, then another, backing off when she cried out when there was sudden pain.
He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “As I suspected, you are a virgin.”
Talia tried not to flinch under what seemed to be an accusatory glare. “So what if I am? Everyone has a first time.”
His gaze turned suspicious. “I won’t be trapped by you.”
“There is no trap here. I want you, Remak.”
“You wish me to be your first?”
She grabbed his hand and pulled it to her mouth, kissing it. She tasted it and knew her own flavor, the result of her arousal. “Please, Remak. I want you to make love to me.”
“Make love?” An odd look passed through his eyes. “I’m not even sure I know how to do that. I can fuck with the best of them, but what you want…”
“What I want is you, Remak.” She took his finger that held her smell and taste and put it to his mouth. His nostrils flared as he caught her scent and his eyes darkened with passion. “See how much I want you.”
With a low growl he captured her mouth again, pulling her tight against his body. The erect cock she’d pleasured with her mouth was even harder than before, a
thick, long rod of iron. For the first time she questioned whether something so large would even fit between her legs, where just his fingers had seemed too much, but then she knew it must be able to. Soon enough she’d know for sure.
Remak’s hand went to her backside again, this time his fingers entering her and not holding back. Again there was some pain, but he seemed more careful and she grew more at ease with their presence.
His thumb had taken up another location though and was carefully exploring the other orifice between her legs. Startled, Talia looked at him just as he pushed down on the narrow opening.
“What are you doing?”
“Showing you what you wanted to know. Pleasure comes from all kinds of touching, even this.” He smiled a little. “Just relax, Talia. You’ll find it arousing if you let it.”
This was not at all something she’d expected, but she trusted Remak knew what he was doing. So far there hadn’t been anything that she hadn’t enjoyed. And while his thumb was gently easing its way past her tight sphincter, his other fingers were stretching her pussy lips. Distracted, she wasn’t sure what she should be focused on.
Finally he gave a single push and then she felt as if she were pinned by his fingers, two in her sheath, his thumb deep inside her anal cavity.
“Which do you want, Talia?” He flexed his hand and the sensation before and behind intensified. “If I take you in this way you’ll still go to your husband as a virgin bride.”
After being in bed with Remak and enjoying passion at his hands, she could pretend to still be inexperienced in the act of love? And what would that say about the man she married that he’d insist on her being untried while he himself had been with any number of women?
“No. It would be a cheat to pretend innocence when I’m not. Besides, if my hymen is so important to a man, then he isn’t a man I want to marry. No man should insist on an inexperienced bride.”
Something that might have been respect showed in his face. “A good answer…and one I should have expected from you. I like you, Talia.”
“And I like you,” she answered, but there was more than liking in her heart. She couldn’t tell him what she really felt for him. She was beginning to think she might actually be falling in love.
Chapter Four
But she couldn’t love him. Not really. How do you love a man who is only in your dreams, a man not flesh and blood? All she had was the goddess’s word that the dream Remak with her now was like the man she’d met just that once, for less than a few moments in time.
The real Remak might be nothing like the man in her arms. He could be selfish and a lout. He could even be cruel rather than the gentle lover with her now.
Or he could in reality be everything she was dreaming of and the goddess might be giving her a real glimpse into the man she’d met. The man she might have had an actual affair with and not this dream encounter years later, on the cusp of her deciding between suitors.
Suitors who she now knew couldn’t possibly match the man she’d let get away.
But she couldn’t let that distract her right now because that man, or at least his dream version, was rolling her onto her back and spreading her legs, his hands gentle but insistent. He knelt between her legs, widening them even more.
She’d said she wanted to experience passion at his hands and through his cock. She was about to get what she wanted.
As soon as she was on her back she felt her pussy flood with moisture. Just staring up at Remak with his handsome shadowed face, the wide hard lines of his shoulders, made her body weep for him. He lowered his head, seeming to smell her arousal, and smiled. Reaching between her legs, he gathered some of the thick cream and spread it across the head of his cock, smoothing it on with sure strokes of his hand.
“Last chance to tell me no,” he whispered.
Unable to trust her voice, Talia merely nodded and reached to cover his hand with her own. She pulled on his cock, moving it closer, letting the gesture be her answer. His smile broadened and he moved to seat his cock just at the entrance. One small push and she was penetrated. It hurt a little but she bit down on her lip, determined not to cry out. She didn’t want to give him any excuse not to finish what he’d started.
From the feel of him though there didn’t seem to be any likelihood of that. Now that he was inside and was experiencing her pussy’s welcoming grip, he couldn’t seem to stop. Remak pushed harder… “So tight,” he muttered, but she didn’t think he was displeased.
Instead, he seemed to relish how hard it was to enter her. He pushed again, and this time she felt as if something tore inside her and he slid all the way in until she felt him lodge at the opening to her womb.
This is what it felt like to have a man’s cock inside her. So occupied—so…full! Words failed her to describe it, but she knew in that instant that she liked what she felt. He used his massive arms to keep his weight off her and she could see the tension in them. She put her hand on his chest, stroking the small nipples surrounded by fine dark hair.
“Are you all right?”
She heard the concern in his voice and smiled. “I’m fine.”
“Well then.” He pulled back and surged forward and she was no longer just fine. It felt so good that Talia lost her smile in wide-eyed response. No wonder the women she knew all talked about sex with sly smiles and nods, and even Gillian had questioned her about not needing passion.
With the right man…as Remak obviously was…sex was far more than just a chore necessary to make children. It was something magical.
Magical like the way he strained over her, his body covering hers but not crushing it. His cock was like the shuttle of her loom, moving through the warp threads in a rhythm of his choosing, sliding into her and making her body cry out for more of the same. All he could give her, and he was giving a lot.
She laid back, her hands now clutching his shoulders. “Yes, Remak. That feels so…so…so…”
He smiled without pausing. “Good? Fantastic? Magnificent?”
She couldn’t help a laugh. “All that and more.”
He continued to pound into her. “You…feel…so fucking…good. So tight. I’m not going to last long.”
“So slow down.”
“Don’t…want…to,” he gasped out.
Talia lifted her knees higher, wrapping her legs around his strong thighs. “Then don’t, my lover. Don’t stop.”
He didn’t and in moments she again felt that sensation that the goddess had told her about. Passion, need, the desire to reach out and grasp her lover. Her head fell back as she gave into it.
Cries came from somewhere and she realized that it was her throat screaming her pleasure and Remak grunted on and on. His face flushed with blood and then he stiffened. “Almost there…” he grunted.
His cock inside her pulsed, even as her shaft locked down on it, gripping it tightly, and another surge of passion washed over her. She climaxed hard, then harder still until she was mindlessly quivering under him.
Now it was Remak’s turn and she wondered if he hadn’t timed it to finish after she had. A look passed over his face, a grimace almost of pain, and then he gave a deep grunt. She moaned and that seemed to push him over the edge. He cried out and she felt the mighty cock plunge deep inside once more and release jets of hot cum into her.
For a moment she thought about what that might mean…that she might become pregnant, but then again this was only a dream. Nothing lasting would come from her encounter with Remak.
Nothing more than the feeling that she’d never again encounter a man like him and no one could ever take his place.
He leaned on his elbows over her, again keeping his weight from crushing her. Then he rolled, one hand behind her back, taking her with him. She lay on top of him, her knees falling to either side of his hips.
Incredibly, inside her the cock that had started to soften twitched and grew harder. Remak grinned up at her. “You didn’t think I was done, did you?” He leaned up and nibbled o
n her lower lip, drawing her deeper into his arms. “I’ve never had a woman like you before, sweet, and may never again. If you aren’t too tired of me, I want more.”
Could she ever get tired of this man? Not likely. Talia kissed his lips, the only really soft place on him. “This may be my only chance with you, Remak. If you aren’t too tired of me…” she said, turning his words back onto him. “Then how could I be tired of you?”
He nuzzled her neck, his beard a gentle scrape against her skin. “Then we are agreed.”
Much, much later they lay exhausted on their makeshift bed. Talia was too worn to do more than run one hand against his chest, feeling the deep rumble as he seemed to doze. Odd how after spending every night of her adult life alone in a bed, having him with her gave such a sense of comfort. She could grow used to lying like this, her arms wrapped around this man for the rest of her life. Too bad this was only a dream about a night that hadn’t even happened.
And besides, Remak was a man who would have walked out of her life the next morning anyway. Was she better off knowing how wonderful a lover he would have been when she knew she’d never meet him again?
Maybe this dream of the goddess’s hadn’t been such a good idea after all. She felt like her heart would break just thinking about him leaving her. Remak dozed but Talia struggled to keep awake. Once she fell asleep she knew the dream would be over and she’d wake alone.
He stirred and opened his eyes. Staring into hers, he didn’t smile but narrowed his gaze. One hand stroked her cheek.
“I thought I’d dreamed of you, sweet Talia.”
She tried a brave smile. “No. I’m not your dream.”
“In that case, I wish…I wonder. This is difficult to say.” He seemed at a loss for words.
“You wonder what?”
“I wonder… The war won’t go on forever. My service is up in two years but I have no place else to go.”