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Memories Revised Page 2
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Page 2
In her mind came the goddess’s whisper. His hunger…
“But I owe you so much and I’m not one who doesn’t pay her debts. I could at least offer you a good meal,” she blurted out.
He stopped and swung around. “A meal?” His eyes lit up and a genuine smile filled his face. “You cook?”
Talia smiled in return and relaxed. She might be an incompetent flirt but here at least she could hold her own. “Come to my house and I’ll make you dinner.”
* * * * *
He simply filled the room—Talia noticed that as Remak followed her inside the little house she called her own. He had to duck his head to enter the doorway and from that point on the space seemed filled with man.
A quietly lusty man, still wearing his leather armor, although he did remove his sword belt and stow it on a wall peg near the door, his one acknowledgement of being in her home.
Everything about him screamed of uneasiness, at being indoors, at being in a woman’s environment. He glanced uneasily at the loom in the corner with its intricate set of harnesses, treadles and delicate weaving, and stayed well clear of it.
Instead he found a place on a stool near the open doorway to the kitchen. She lifted a narrow barrel that she kept stocked with wine and noted happily that it was nearly full—just what she needed to make her guest feel more comfortable.
As she expected, Remak drank heartily from the first goblet she poured him. He watched as she put a pan on her table and loaded it up with an uncooked bird and some vegetables. To her dismay, a loose table leg wobbled as she put the last carrot into the pan. She rescued the pan just as the table tilted and fell to the floor.
Remak straightened. “Your table’s broken.”
“I’ve been meaning to fix it,” she said, but he got to his knees and examined the underside of her table with sudden interest.
“Where are your tools?” he asked.
Talia told him where to find them, and while she finished dinner he reset the leg into its socket, carving a small wedge to hold it there.
Talia stared in admiration at the repair. “You know well how to do this.”
He smiled at her praise. “I once thought to be a woodworker…before I joined the army.”
“Maybe you could do it still?”
The pleasure faded from his face and he shook his head. “A soldier is a soldier always.” Returning to his stool, he continued to drink and was halfway through his third cup when she served him dinner. It didn’t seem like much but he treated it like a banquet.
They talked over dinner, and Talia learned more about him. He spoke briefly of his parents and the brother who’d inherited the family farm.
“Do you miss your family?” she asked.
He hesitated. “Soldiers don’t have families. Once we enter the army, that’s who we become, soldiers pledged to Duggan.”
It struck Talia as odd that a man with a gentle disposition worshiped the god of war and fighting, particularly when she knew Gillian had such an interest in him. “Don’t you ever speak to the Lady of the hearth and harvest?”
He snorted softly into his cup. “It’s more like the lady wouldn’t speak to me. I have no business with the goddess Gillian.”
Perhaps not, but Talia knew the goddess had business with him. “Perhaps if you gave her a chance.”
Remak only shook his head and refilled his cup for the fourth time, and Talia knew better than to say more.
He grew restless once dinner was over and his gaze went ever more to the door. She realized he was thinking about the tavern, his fellows and most likely the women who’d be there. He would look at her and she could sense his interest, but she knew he wasn’t inclined to act on it.
He acted as if he didn’t think she was suitable for him to spend his lust upon, and that angered her more than she’d expected. The goddess had given her this dream to act upon the one time she’d felt desire for a man. She wasn’t about to let him head for the tavern and slake his lust on some other woman.
Finally he rose and bowed awkwardly toward her. “I thank you for the meal, but I should be going.”
Immediately Talia jumped to her feet. “The meal seems such a small gift after you fixed my table. I was thinking of what else I could do and wondered…would you like a bath?”
He hesitated and she jumped in. “There is no bath at the tavern.”
Remak stared. “What makes you think I was heading for the tavern?”
Talia shrugged. “It seems only natural. That’s where the men go when they want to…” Her voice trailed off before she told him that was where the available women of the town were to be found.
He didn’t meet her eyes. “I have business there,” he said half-heartedly.
“Business with the women,” Talia said.
Then he lifted his chin to glare at her. “A man has needs,” he said and headed toward the door. He grabbed his sword belt and moved to put it on.
“And you’d rather go to the tavern than stay here with me. Why couldn’t I do something about your needs?”
“You aren’t that kind of woman,” he said flatly. “I don’t take what isn’t given freely.”
“And you think that I’d put restrictions on you? Suppose I said I wanted you to stay. That I needed you?”
Remak turned to stare at her. Talia felt like melting but she didn’t. Instead she met the challenge in his eyes. Now that she’d said it, she did feel needy, the desire she’d felt all along.
“You think you need me?”
“I want to know what pleasure is. What a man does to a woman.”
“Truly?” He didn’t seem convinced. “I’m not the man for it then. You want a man like my captain. Albinan is a gentleman, a man of breeding, not a common soldier like me.”
“But you’re here.” Talia shrugged. “Of course, if you can’t show me…”
That was all it took. With one move Remak captured her in his arms. “You think I don’t know how to give a woman pleasure?” he growled at her.
Her heart pounded and she couldn’t seem to draw breath enough to say more. Instead she leaned into him and rejoiced in his strong masculine presence. He solidified that by tilting her head up to his. For a long moment he stared at her, his eyes questioning, looking for something…acceptance? Did he wonder if she was really as willing as she seemed?
She wondered when Remak had last encountered a woman who didn’t either fawn over him or draw away in fear. She’d do neither, but meet him on his own terms and behave toward him as an equal.
If—no, when they made love it would be as partners, not one taking advantage of the other.
His head dipped forward and the kiss she’d been anticipating since meeting him finally happened. His lips were soft at first. Gentle on hers, with as much a question in them as there had been in his eyes. Would she let him kiss her…would she let him bed with her tonight?
Talia put her answer in her response. Yes. She left her mouth open and kissed him back. Not with more passion than he showed, but meeting his level. There was a message in that. She’d be his equal in whatever they did…not bow to his superior experience or innate masculinity. But nor would she try to outdo him. Instead she’d match him.
The kiss went on. For a moment his tongue dipped between her lips and she tasted him—wine, the food they’d shared…and him. Especially him.
His hand slid down her side and found the juncture of her legs. He stroked her through the fabric of her skirt, but then she felt him raise it out of his way. Rough fingertips stroked the soft skin of her thighs and instinctively she spread her legs for him.
“You want to experience passion?” he whispered. He slid his hand up her thigh to slide into the soft folds of her sex. The roughened ends of his fingers touched her most sensitive place and a spark shot through her. For a big man his touch was gentle but the effect was anything but. In moments Talia felt something rise in her that she’d never experienced before, overwhelming and beyond measure. Her mind seemed to
blank out for a moment. She stiffened and cried as it crested in her and when it passed she was left shaking.
Gasping for breath, she fell into Remak’s arms. “What…what did you do?”
Remak’s lips twitched with an amusement that surprised her. She’d not have expected him to have a sense of humor. “Made you come. An orgasm is what it’s called. You’ve a sensitive clit for an innocent, but that’s enough for now. I’ll go to the tavern and leave you in peace.”
“But…but I owe you more now. For what you just did.”
He stared then laughed outright. “I suppose we could see it that way.” He seemed to consider her carefully. “Perhaps you do have a need for passion, even as much as I.”
It looked like a debate went on inside him, deciding what would be best to do. Finally he leaned closer. “Besides, I must admit—I really could use a bath!”
Talia couldn’t help laughing as she pulled herself out of his arms to head for where the bathing tub was kept. Her first kiss—and her first orgasm—and soon she swore she’d have more to remember him for.
Chapter Three
More to remember him for. Which in fact was rather strange, Talia thought, as she knew that none of this was real, merely a dream she was having. She knew she was actually asleep in her bed and nothing she was experiencing was actually happening.
But what did it matter that it wasn’t real when it felt so good?
Remak stripped off his clothes, giving Talia full view of his body. Her eyes widened but she carefully avoided saying anything that would discourage his continued presence. If she showed how timid she was he might run, and she did not want him running away.
Instead she tried to make it appear that she was used to a man’s naked chest, and legs, and arms and…other parts. Particularly one part, which she found fascinating. From the thick thatch of curly dark hair that covered his groin his long man-part jutted as if pointing right at her, and jumped whenever she glanced at it.
Talia tried not to blush, but she must have. Remak glanced down and his lips twitched. “My cock is happy to be of service, my lady. But it could do with washing first.”
Stepping aside, Talia indicated the large tub she used for bathing. Fortunately she boasted the largest bathing tub in the village, although she now wondered if it would be big enough to accommodate Remak’s bulk. She’d filled the tub from the barrel that rested next to her stove and the result steamed enticingly. Remak gave a heartfelt groan as he lowered himself into it.
“It is too hot?” she worried.
“Not a bit. Feels so good.” He ducked under the water and used soap to clean his body and hair, then leaned back into the tub, closing his eyes. After a moment he opened one eye and grinned mischievously. “All I need now is someone to wash my back.”
Wash his back—as in touch him? Talia moved to his side, reaching for the cleaning cloth she’d left by the side of the tub. She lathered it with the soap and tentatively slid it across his shoulders. Remak gave a small growl of appreciation and she grew bolder, moving the cloth down his back.
His skin was bronzed, much darker than her copper-colored skin. As she helped scrub away the embedded grime of months of living out-of-doors, the color lightened to a rich brown. While his back and shoulders looked smooth from a distance, up close she saw the thin lines that bespoke long exposure to the elements as well as old scars that had left an uncertain texture. The muscles beneath the skin were firm and unyielding, not unlike the man himself.
It was a well-used body, in fine shape but not cared for. He’d known few luxuries and she understood suddenly just how much of a temptation her offer of a bath had been. An opportunity to get clean using hot water must have been nearly as attractive as becoming her lover was.
Even as she thought that, though, she noticed how solid what he’d called his cock still was, growing even longer as she reached around to soap the skin of his chest. She put her arms around his neck and he reached up to grab them, pulling her close to him. He tilted his head toward her and she felt the heat of his breath against her cheek.
Then he leaned closer and again she felt his lips on hers, this time in a kiss much hotter than the last, his tongue slipping between her lips, his hand firmly grasping the back of her neck. Finally he released her and she slid to the floor, nearly insensible.
As her senses returned she realized how damp her blouse had become. It clung to her breasts and was clammy against her skin. Her nipples pebbled beneath it and she felt Remak’s sudden interest in them. One hand reached to gently caress them through the fabric and she was no longer cold, but felt like she might dry her clothes from the heat blazing from her flesh.
“Why don’t you take off your clothes before they get any wetter?” He moved back, leaving space in the tub in front of him. “I think we might both fit in here.”
Whether or not he was right, Talia wasn’t inclined to argue. She slipped out of her clothes and into the tub before him. The sudden light of interest in Remak’s eyes at seeing her bare breasts did nothing to dissuade her. The goddess had insisted she understand passion before giving it up to marry a man whom she considered safe, and the way Remak made her feel was enough to convince her the goddess had a point.
He reached out to touch the coral tips of her nipples with something akin to wonder. Why, she didn’t understand. Surely he’d seen many women’s breasts before.
“So perfect,” he said with a quiet, self-deprecating laugh. “It is strange, but there is something about you that is so familiar.” He sniffed her neck. “You even smell like someone I’ve dreamed of.”
This man dreamed of a lover too? “Is that good?”
“It’s…disconcerting.” He smiled but there was a touch of sadness in his eyes. “I think that you will be hard to forget.”
Talia put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Then remember me, Remak.”
The kiss turned hot, and he slid his hands down to her waist. He pulled her to sit astride him, securing her in place. Beneath her his cock was a hard length that stroked against her folds. That spot he’d called her clit woke again and begged for more. Once stimulated it seemed insatiable for attention.
He thrust, not hard but just enough to stroke his cock slowly against her. Talia cried out as her clit screamed its pleasure. A slow smile extended across his face. “Yes. Like that.” He did it again and Talia moaned her approval. In moments she was meeting his strokes, rubbing in opposition to him, leading to their mutual enjoyment.
Remak’s cock still wasn’t inside her where she knew she truly wanted him, but the effect of rubbing his cock against her clit was too tempting to not continue. She pushed down on him, letting the slightly soapy water provide lubrication…although her own body seemed to be producing enough cream to let them move together smoothly, like the parts of her loom.
The tub was too small for more than this rubbing of sexual parts…but it felt too fine to move to someplace larger. She moaned into his ear. “Don’t stop, Remak.”
After that the thrusting was no longer as deliberate, but intent, with a purpose. Remak lost his knowing smirk and his expression grew intense. His eyes grew unfocused and then he closed them, jerking again and again against her.
He clutched her closer and then in a sudden gasp she felt him stiffen beneath her. Water splashed from the tub but she didn’t care as the hot rod between her legs jerked and pulsed. Remak buried his head into her neck and whispered something. It sounded like a curse…or a prayer.
Or a blessing. She knew he’d found completion, at least in one sense, and she wondered if that would be all he’d need before leaving. Friends of hers had talked about their husbands and how little it took to satisfy them. The wives were sometimes left without their own needs satisfied.
Would Remak do the same? She gazed into his face to see if there was an answer there.
His breath still came hard and his hands circled around her back, clutching her to him. Then he opened his eyes and a slow smile grew acros
s his face. “Perhaps we should continue this where we have more room. I don’t think I’ll get any cleaner at this rate.”
“Continue? I thought…”
He laughed. “It will take more than a lap dance to meet my needs, my lady. Fun though that was.” His eyes glittered possessively. “If you think to avoid bedding with me now you should speak up. I’ve tasted you and want more than I’ve had. In fact, I want it all.”
“All of you. I want to taste every part of you, touch every inch. Burn into your mind the memory of me so you will be no more able to forget me than I will be able to forget you.”
He moved then, lifting her aside and climbing out of the tub, grabbing one of the drying cloths she’d put out and toweling off, giving her a wonderful view of his bare backside.
He wanted to burn a memory of him into her? Sure, like she’d ever be able to forget him, no matter who or what came along in her future.
She’d keep this memory forever, even if it was only the memory a dream.
It felt so real when he lifted her out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her. He touched her bare breasts gently with the edge of his towel, using it to dry her skin. His movements were awkward, as if he wasn’t used to touching the skin of a woman. He acted as if she might break if he pressed too hard.
Talia leaned into him, trying to convey how much she wanted his strength. So different from her he was. Such power was in his limbs and in the mind behind all that strength. By comparison, the men she’d thought to marry seemed weak and ineffectual. She couldn’t imagine desiring one of them the way she did Remak.
Being with him was the same as breathing. He was everything she wanted and more. Far more.
And now he was in her bedroom, examining her bed with disapproval. “You’ve not shared this tiny thing with many men, have you? Barely room for one, much less two.” He tested the edge and listened to it squeak. “Certainly not made for loving on. I’m afraid it will collapse as soon as things become interesting.”